Web Tortoise


The Chart of the Post

Filed under: CotP — Tags: — leovasiliou @ 10:54 AM EDT

Regarding yesterday’s CotP, an astute reader asked why there was such a focus on the illusory, central-tendency, “Arithmetic Mean Average” but not on the, “Standard Deviation”.  Thought that was a good callout since will generally want to look at both types (a central-tendency type and a dispersion type).  As such, Chart Four has been altered (the previous CotP remains unaltered).

CotP - Recognize From Where Different Shapes Come 2


The Chart of the Post

Filed under: CotP — Tags: — leovasiliou @ 11:06 AM EDT

Seeing data in its different information forms and states.

Web performance data sets five and six are actual; the other are illustrative.

CotP - Recognize From Where Different Shapes Come


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