Web Tortoise


Don’t Forget About Availability


Hello! This #WebTortoise post was written 2013-MAY-16 at 11:34 AM ET (about #WebTortoise).

Main Points

#- Analyze Availability by various Dimensions, e.g. Hour of Day or Minute of Hour, to look for patterns.

#- Performance infers Availability. Performance may be measured if and only if Availability = 1 (your choices are either 1 or 0; either something’s available or something’s not available).

#- We monitor Availability; we measure Performance.

#- Don’t go it alone. When working to uncover patterns in your Availability and Performance data, will need the help of others in the Organization.


I thought I’d break away from the normal second-and-third-person writing style of Webtortoise to write this more intimate, first-person post. Lately, I’ve been feeling bad for my buddy, Availability (In this Webtortoise Story, my buddy’s name is, “Availability”). You see, Availability’s cousin, Performance, has been getting all of the limelight. I mean, don’t get me wrong, Performance IS sleek and sexy while Availability IS binary and boring, but the only reason we’re able to talk about all these advancements in Performance is because of their JOINT efforts!

So much attention has been given to Performance lately that I am seeing more and more folks forget, or casually glaze over, Availability! The problem here is: Performance _infers_ Availability. That is, if it’s not available, then you cannot measure it [for Performance].

So please, help me spread the word and remind folks to never forget about their ol’ buddy and friend, “Availability”.

And now, your obligatory Webtortoise chart:

In this chart, we counted the number of Availability strikes (a.k.a. errors) for several days. Then we plotted the COUNT by Minute of Hour.

In this first chart, there is no special formatting. But can still see some high errors counts.

Blog Post Availability by Minute of Hour - 1

In this second chart, have highlighted and called out the discovered pattern! At first, the guessed pattern was incorrect because was trying to find a *single*. However, after pulling in some more people resources, was able to figure out there were *multiples*.

Blog Post Availability by Minute of Hour - 2

In this specific case, these patterns were caused by *two separate* log shippings, across two different subsystems, affecting page load (i.e. the page was not available)! And had it not been for a Performance Management Program, may never have discovered these Patterns!

Document Complete / OnLoad:

_The following is optional reading material._

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/leovasiliou

Twitter: @LvasiLiou

Download Excel sheet here:  https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9n5Sarv4oonTjR0Zk9oYzI1bGc/edit?usp=sharing

#CatchpointUser #KeynoteUser #Webtortoise #Performance #WebPerformance #SiteSpeed #ChartsAndDimensions #Availability

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